Gilad Salter
Co-Founder of Fulfilling Dreams
Age: 29
Marital Status: Married with two children
Employment: CEO of Fun Travels
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration
What does “Fulfilling Dreams” mean to me?
It’s the privilege to give to another and fulfill his or her dream. It also means having the merit to be able to give happiness and excitement to the following groups: children with special needs, children with serious diseases or at-risk youth. One of the unique things about the organisation is the great mix of wonderful people we have. My dear friends, who co-founded the association with me, devote heart and soul, time and again for these special children.
What has been a special moment for you?
Seeing the excitement and smiles of the children before they go into the stadium and seeing the happiness and sparkle in their eyes after the games is worth everything. Thank God that I have been privileged to be part of such a special organization and have had the honour to be able to enrich the lives of these special kids by making their dreams come true.

Rola Brentlin
Board member and VP of International Collaborations
Age: 37
Professional background: Corporate Affairs Director and Head of Charitable organizations.
Employment: Business owner
What does “Fulfilling Dreams” mean to me?
An opportunity to help create special and life changing moments for children who need it the most. Fulfilling dreams is a way to show these children that the world cares about them and believes in their abilities and future. It is a privilege to be part of an organization that provides so much joy by making these dreams come true.

Yosef Bruce
Chairman and co-founder of Fulfilling Dreams
Age: 37
Marital status: Married with five children
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree
Employment: Self-employed
What made me start the organisation Fulling Dreams?
The greatest happiness in the world is to see a child’s smile. The merit of having the ability to make children happy is what drove me to create the organisation with Gilad. I believe that everyone should contribute during their life to society in areas which resonate with them. I am glad that I have had the privilege of being part of a wonderful family that works to make dreams come true and, as a result, make children with special needs happy.

Chanina Seidel
Age: 32
Marital status: Married with four amazing children
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s in Medical Management
What does “Fulfilling Dreams” mean to me?
I feel so privileged to be able to help fulfill kids’ dreams. There are no words that can describe what it means to bring such happiness to these special kids.
What has been a special moment for you?
I lived next to one kid, every time I would talk to him about any experience, he had with fulfilling dreams his eyes would light up as he is on the trip now.

Yoram Levi
Strategy and Advertising Manager
Age: 49
Marital Status: Married with three children
Employment: Advertiser and lecturer
What does “Fulfilling Dream” mean to me?
The mutual trust between the children and the volunteers is amazing. The volunteers meet the challenges with great determination. The special moment for me was to see chaperones in their early twenties take upon themselves immense responsibility when working on a project abroad and to see them give selflessly to create moments of happiness and joy for the participants.

Ramiel Vanuno
Field Manager
Age: 37
Marital status: Single
Employment mode: Self-employed
Academic qualifications: Electronics and Electrical Engineering
What does Fulfilling Dreams mean to me?
Fulfilling Dreams is a family for teenagers with special needs. Special moments are those where you see participants make new friends and have great new experiences that will stay with them forever. Knowing that they are a part of this family gives them the strength to deal with their daily lives and the difficult situations they often experience.

Itzik Asraf
Age: 41
Marital status: Married with three children
Employment: Magen David Adom Jerusalem
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in National security and Home Front Defense.
What does Fulfilling Dreams mean to me?
We have the merit to light up the lives of children who suffer from serious diseases and children from disadvantaged families. Even if it’s for a short period during an activity, we are able to give them some freedom from their difficult routines as they have a great time participating in a Fulfilling Dreams project.
What has been a special moment for you?
In every project I take a moment out to look from the side at the bright eyes of the children and the happiness that they display. It’s something that fills me with pride and gives me strength to continue on to the next project. Thank God, it’s a great privilege to be part of such a wonderful organisation!

Itay Behar
Field Manager
Age: 41
Marital status: Married with three children
Employment: teacher
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree from The Academic College at Wingate,
Master’s degree in management and organisation of educational systems
What does Fulfilling Dreams mean to me?
It’s a dream for me!
What has been a special moment for you?
Every smile of every child and every moment of their happiness. Every time, when I go back home, I find it’s “recharged my battery” and it always puts life in the right perspective.

Amihai Friedman
Age: 29
Marital status: Married with one child
Employment: Economist at “Rotem Ampert”; football (soccer) coach
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business Administration from Ben Gurion University
What has been a special moment for you?
What are my special moments of volunteering? The pre-meeting of the delegation is my special event. Seeing the expectation and enthusiasm of the children when they are presented with the show gives them great satisfaction and this is also the moment I realize that I am taking part in something big.

Amir Schneider
Member of the administration committee
Age: 39
Marital status: Single
Academic: Master’s degree in law
Employment: Lawyer, Deputy Director of KKL, Deputy Director of the Law Association of Tel Aviv District
What does “Fulfilling Dream” mean to me?
“Fulfilling Dreams” is to have the chance to do some good in a world that needs every bit of it.
What has been a special moment for you?
It was during the trip to the World Cup in Russia. In one of our breaks after watching the soccer game, some of the cahperones and trainees played soccer. I held in my hands one of our participants who can’t walk, and it enabled her to play soccer together with her friends. The happiness that was in her eyes is deep in my memory.

Moish Yaul
Business Development Manager
Age: 35
Marital status: Married with three children.
Employment: Project manager at a real estate development company
Academic qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Master’s degree in Business
Administration. Graduate of the directors’ training course.
What has been a special moment for you?
Fulfilling Dreams for me is a home, a home for good people and lovely children who are crazy about football (soccer)! ⚽ I will never forget the entrance to the Spain vs Chile game during the World Cup in Brazil at the Maracanã Stadium. I was in charge of two of the participants. It’s impossible to convey the joy the kids had that their dreams were coming true!